Configuration System

Configuration is a huge problem for machine-learning code because you may want to expose almost any detail of any function as a hyperparameter. The setting you want to expose might be arbitrarily far down in your call stack, so the setting might need to pass all the way through the CLI or REST API, through any number of intermediate functions, affecting the interface of everything along the way. And then once those settings are added, they become hard to remove later. Default values also become hard to change without breaking backwards compatibility.

To solve this problem, Thinc leverages confection - a config system that lets you easily describe arbitrary trees of objects. The objects can be created via function calls you register using a simple decorator syntax. You can even version the functions you create, allowing you to make improvements without breaking backwards compatibility. The most similar config system we’re aware of is Gin, which uses a similar syntax, and also allows you to link the configuration system to functions in your code using a decorator. Thinc’s config system is simpler and emphasizes a different workflow via a subset of Gin’s functionality.

patience = 10
dropout = 0.2
use_vectors = false

level = "INFO"

# This uses the value of training.use_vectors
use_vectors = ${training.use_vectors}
lang = "en"
    "training": {
        "patience": 10,
        "dropout": 0.2,
        "use_vectors": false,
        "logging": {
            "level": "INFO"
    "nlp": {
        "use_vectors": false,
        "lang": "en"

The config is divided into sections, with the section name in square brackets – for example, [training]. Within the sections, config values can be assigned to keys using =. Values can also be referenced from other sections using the dot notation and placeholders indicated by the dollar sign and curly braces. For example, ${training.use_vectors} will receive the value of use_vectors in the training block. This is useful for settings that are shared across components.

The config format has three main differences from Python’s built-in configparser:

  1. JSON-formatted values. Thinc passes all values through json.loads to interpret them. You can use atomic values like strings, floats, integers or booleans, or you can use complex objects such as lists or maps.

  2. Structured sections. Thinc uses a dot notation to build nested sections. If you have a section named [section.subsection], Thinc will parse that into a nested structure, placing subsection within section.

  3. References to registry functions. If a key starts with @, Thinc will interpret its value as the name of a function registry, load the function registered for that name and pass in the rest of the block as arguments. If type hints are available on the function, the argument values (and return value of the function) will be validated against them. This lets you express complex configurations, like a training pipeline where batch_size is populated by a function that yields floats (see schedules). Also see the section on registry integration for more details.

There’s no pre-defined scheme you have to follow and how you set up the top-level sections is up to you. At the end of it, you’ll receive a dictionary with the values that you can use in your script – whether it’s complete initialized functions, or just basic settings. For examples that show Thinc’s config system in action, check out the following tutorials:

  • Intro to Thinc · Everything you need to know to get started. Composing and training a model on the MNIST data, using config files, registering custom functions and wrapping PyTorch, TensorFlow and MXNet models.
  • Basic CNN part-of-speech tagger · Implementing and training a basic CNN for part-of-speech tagging model without external dependencies and using different levels of Thinc's configuration system.

Registry integration

Thinc’s registry system lets you map string keys to functions. For instance, let’s say you want to define a new optimizer. You would define a function that constructs it and add it to the right register, like so:

Registering a functionfrom typing import Union, Iterable
import thinc

def make_my_optimizer(learn_rate: Union[float, Iterable[float]], gamma: float):
    return MyCoolOptimizer(learn_rate, gamma)

# Later you can retrieve your function by name:
create_optimizer = thinc.registry.optimizers.get("my_cool_optimizer.v1")

The registry lets you refer to your function by string name, which is often more convenient than passing around the function itself. This is especially useful for configuration files: you can provide the name of your function and the arguments in the config file, and you’ll have everything you need to rebuild the object.

Since this is a common workflow, the registry system provides a shortcut for it, the registry.resolve function. If a section contains a key beginning with @, it will be interpreted as the name of a function registry – e.g. @optimizers refers to a function registered in the optimizers registry. The value will be interpreted as the name to look up and the rest of the block will be passed into the function as arguments. Here’s a simple example:

@optimizers = "my_cool_optimizer.v1"
learn_rate = 0.001
gamma = 1e-8
Usagefrom thinc.api import Config, registry

config = Config().from_disk("./config.cfg")
resolved = registry.resolve(config)
optimizer = resolved["optimizer"]

Under the hood, Thinc will look up the "my_cool_optimizer.v1" function in the "optimizers" registry and then call it with the arguments learn_rate and gamma. If the function has type annotations, it will also validate the input. For instance, if learn_rate is annotated as a float and the config defines a string, Thinc will raise an error.

Under the hoodoptimizer_func = thinc.registry.get("optimizers", "my_cool_optimizer.v1")
optimizer = optimizer_func(learn_rate=0.001, gamma=1e-8)

Recursive blocks

The function registry integration becomes even more powerful when used to build recursive structures. Let’s say you want to use a learning rate schedule and pass in a schedule as the learn_rate argument. Here’s an example of a function that yields an infinite series of decaying values, following the schedule base_rate * 1 / (1 + decay * t). It’s also available in Thinc as schedules.decaying. The decorator registers the function "my_cool_decaying_schedule.v1" in the registry schedules:

import thinc
from thinc.schedules import Schedule

def decaying(base_rate: float, decay: float, *, t: int = 0) -> Schedule[float]:
    return Schedule(
        attrs={"base_rate": base_rate, "decay": decay, "t": t}

def _decaying_schedule(schedule: Schedule, step: int, **kwargs) -> float:
    base_rate = schedule.attrs["base_rate"]
    decay = schedule.attrs["decay"]
    t = schedule.attrs["t"]
    return base_rate * (1.0 / (1.0 + decay * (step + t)))

In your config, you can now define the learn_rate as a subsection of optimizer, and specify its registry function and arguments:

@optimizers = "my_cool_optimizer.v1"
gamma = 1e-8

@schedules = "my_cool_decaying_schedule.v1"
base_rate = 0.001
decay = 1e-4

When Thinc resolves the config, it will first look up "my_cool_decaying_schedule.v1" and call it with its arguments. Both arguments will be validated against the type annotations (float). The return value will then be passed to the optimizer function as the learn_rate argument. If type annotations are available for the return value and it’s a type that can be evaluated, the return value of the function will be validated as well.

Under the hoodlearn_rate_func = thinc.registry.get("schedules", "my_cool_decaying_schedule.v1")
learn_rate = learn_rate_func(base_rate=0.001, decay=1e-4)

optimizer_func = thinc.registry.get("optimizers", "my_cool_optimizer.v1")
optimizer = optimizer_func(learn_rate=learn_rate, gamma=1e-8)

After resolving the config and filling in the values, registry.resolve will return a tuple of the resolved config and the filled config with default values added. The resolved config will be a dict with one key, "optimizer", mapped to an instance of the custom optimizer function initialized with the arguments defined in the config.

Usagefrom thinc.api import Config, registry

config = Config().from_disk("./config.cfg")
resolved = registry.resolve(config)
    "optimizer": <MyCoolOptimizer>

Defining variable positional arguments

If you’re setting function arguments in a config block, Thinc will expect the function to have an argument of that same name. For instance, base_rate = 0.001 means that the function will be called with base_rate=0.001. This works fine, since Python allows function arguments to be supplied as positional arguments or as keyword arguments. If possible, named arguments are recommended, since it makes your code and config more explicit.

However, in some situations, your registered function may accept variable positional arguments. In your config, you can then use * to define a list of values:

import thinc
from thinc.schedules import Schedule

def step_values(*steps: float, final: float = 1.0) -> Schedule[float]:
    step_list = list(steps)
    return Schedule(
        attrs={"steps": list(steps), "final": final}

def _step_values_schedule(schedule: Schedule, step: int, **kwargs) -> float:
    steps = schedule.attrs["steps"]
    final = schedule.attrs["final"]
    return steps[step] if step < len(steps) else final
@schedules = "my_cool_schedule.v1"
* = [0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.75, 0.9]
final = 1.0

You can also use the * placeholder in nested configs to populate positional arguments from function registries. This is useful for combinators like chain that take a variable number of layers as arguments. The following config will create two Relu layers, pass them to chain and return a combined model:

@layers = "chain.v1"

@layers = "Relu.v1"
nO = 512
dropout = 0.2

@layers = "Relu.v0"
nO = 256
dropout = 0.1
Equivalent tofrom thinc.api import chain, Relu

model = chain(
    Relu(nO=512, dropout=0.2),
    Relu(nO=256, dropout=0.1)

Using interpolation

For hyperparameters and other settings that need to be used in different places across your config, you can define a separate block once and then reference the values using the extended interpolation. For example, ${hyper_params.dropout} will insert the value of dropout from the section hyper_params.

hidden_width = 512
dropout = 0.2

@layers = "Relu.v1"
nO = ${hyper_params.hidden_width}
dropout = ${hyper_params.dropout}
    "hyper_params": {
        "hidden_width": 512,
        "dropout": 0.2
    "model": {
        "@layers": "Relu.v1",
        "nO": 512,
        "dropout": 0.2

Using custom registries

Thinc’s registry includes several pre-defined registries that are also used for its built-in functions. You can also use the registry.create method to add your own registries that you can then reference in config files. The following will create a registry visualizers and let you use the @thinc.registry.visualizers decorator, as well as the @visualizers key in config files.

Exampleimport thinc


def my_cool_visualizer(file_format: str = "jpg"):
    return MyCoolVisualizer(file_format)
@visualizers = "my_cool_visualizer.v1"
file_format = "svg"
    "visualizer": <MyCoolVisualizer>

Advanced type annotations with Pydantic

pydantic is a modern Python library for data parsing and validation using type hints. It’s used by Thinc to validate configuration files, and you can also use it in your model and component definition to enforce stricter and more fine-grained validation. If type annotations only define basic types like str, int or bool, the validation will accept all values that can be cast to this type. For instance, 0 is considered valid for bool, since bool(0) is valid. If you need stricter validation, you can use strict types instead. This example defines an optimizer that only accepts a float, a positive integer and a constrained string matching the given regular expression:

Exampleimport thinc
from pydantic import StrictFloat, PositiveInt, constr
def my_cool_optimizer(
    learn_rate: StrictFloat,    steps: PositiveInt = 10,    log_level: constr(regex="(DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR)") = "ERROR"):
    return MyCoolOptimizer(learn_rate, steps, log_level)

If your config defines a value that’s not compatible with the type annotations – for instance, a negative integer for steps – Thinc will raise an error:

@optimizers = "my_cool_optimizer.v1"
learn_rate = 0.001
steps = -1
log_level = "DEBUG"
ErrorsConfig validation error

steps   ensure this value is greater than 0

{'@optimizers': 'my_cool_optimizer.v1', 'learn_rate': 0.001, 'steps': -1, 'log_level': 'DEBUG'}

Argument annotations can also define pydantic models. This is useful if your function takes dictionaries as arguments. The data is then passed to the model and is parsed and validated. pydantic models are classes that inherit from the pydantic.BaseModel class and define fields with type hints and optional defaults as attributes:

Examplefrom pydantic import BaseModel, StrictStr, constr, StrictBool

class LoggingConfig(BaseModel):    name: StrictStr    level: constr(regex="(DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR)") = "INFO"    use_colors: StrictBool = True
def my_cool_optimizer(
    learn_rate: StrictFloat,
    steps: PositiveInt = 10,
    logging_config: LoggingConfig):
    return MyCoolOptimizer(learn_rate, steps, logging_config)

In the config file, logging_config can now become its own section, [optimizer.logging_config]. Its values will be validated against the LoggingConfig schema:

@optimizers = "my_cool_optimizer.v1"
learn_rate = 0.001
steps = 100

name = "my_logger"
level = "DEBUG"
use_colors = false

For even more flexible validation of values and relationships between them, you can define validators that apply to one or more attributes and return the parsed attribute. In this example, the validator checks that the value of name doesn’t contain spaces and returns its lowercase form:

Examplefrom pydantic import BaseModel, StrictStr, constr, StrictBool, validator

class LoggingConfig(BaseModel):
    name: StrictStr
    level: constr(regex="(DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR)") = "INFO"
    use_colors: StrictBool = True

    @validator("name")    def validate_name(cls, v):        if " " in v:            raise ValueError("name can't contain spaces")        return v.lower()

Using a base schema

If a config file specifies registered functions, their argument values will be validated against the type annotations of the function. For all other values, you can pass a schema to registry.resolve, a pydantic model used to parse and validate the data. Models can also be nested to describe nested objects.

Schemafrom pydantic import BaseModel, StrictInt, StrictFloat, StrictBool, StrictStr
from typing import List

class TrainingSchema(BaseModel):
    patience: StrictInt
    dropout: StrictFloat
    use_vectors: StrictBool = False

class NlpSchema(BaseModel):
    lang: StrictStr
    pipeline: List[StrictStr]

class ConfigBaseSchema(BaseModel):
    training: TrainingSchema
    nlp: NlpSchema

    class Config:
        extra = "forbid"

Setting extra = "forbid" in the Config means that validation will fail if the object contains additional properties – for instance, another top-level section that’s not training. The default value, "ignore", means that additional properties will be ignored and filtered out. Setting extra = "allow" means any extra values will be passed through without validation.

patience = 10
dropout = 0.2
use_vectors = false

lang = "en"
pipeline = ["tagger", "parser"]
Usagefrom thinc.api import registry, Config

config = Config().from_disk("./config.cfg")
resolved = registry.resolve(

Filling a config with defaults

The main motivation for Thinc’s configuration system was to eliminate hidden defaults and ensure that config settings are passed around consistently. This also means that config files should always define all available settings. The registry.fill method also resolves the config, but it leaves references to registered functions intact and doesn’t replace them with their return values. If type annotations and/or a base schema are available, they will be used to parse the config and fill in any missing values and defaults to create an up-to-date “master config”.

Let’s say you’ve updated your schema and scripts to use two additional optional settings. These settings should also be reflected in your config files so they accurately represent the available settings (and don’t assume any hidden defaults).

from pydantic import BaseModel, StrictInt, StrictFloat, StrictBool

class TrainingSchema(BaseModel):
    patience: StrictInt
    dropout: StrictFloat
    use_vectors: StrictBool = False
    use_tok2vec: StrictBool = False    max_epochs: StrictInt = 100

Calling registry.fill with your existing config will produce an updated version of it including the new settings and their defaults:

patience = 10
dropout = 0.2
use_vectors = false
patience = 10
dropout = 0.2
use_vectors = false
use_tok2vec = falsemax_epochs = 100

The same also works for config blocks that reference registry functions. If your function arguments change, you can run registry.fill to get your config up to date with the new defaults. For instance, let’s say the optimizer now allows a new setting, gamma, that defaults to 1e-8:

Exampleimport thinc
from pydantic import StrictFloat, PositiveInt, constr

def my_cool_optimizer_v2(
    learn_rate: StrictFloat,
    steps: PositiveInt = 10,
    gamma: StrictFloat = 1e-8,    log_level: constr(regex="(DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR)") = "ERROR"
    return MyCoolOptimizer(learn_rate, steps, gamma, log_level)

The config file should now also reflect this new setting and the default value that’s being passed in – otherwise, you’ll lose that piece of information. Running registry.fill solves this and returns a new Config with the complete set of available settings:

@optimizers = "my_cool_optimizer.v2"
learn_rate = 0.001
steps = 100
log_level = "INFO"
@optimizers = "my_cool_optimizer.v2"
learn_rate = 0.001
steps = 100
gamma = 1e-8log_level = "INFO"